Where am i?
stop there and you might wanna stare.
i moved to Singapore already.
that's one biggest reason why i kinda temporarily left my blogging world.
preparing for everything.
so urmm. i'm going to work here permanently.
i'm still in training classes for like 3.5 months.
so how's your days?
i'm trying to get my self back into this world.
i live with other 3 Indonesian who works here as well.
i live in Tampines.
today i'm just here sitting and playing internet.
lovely breezy day.
i need things here at my new rent apartment,
- bed sheets for queen size
- bed cover from IKEA (a black or purple will do!)
- water boiler
- MONEY. big time!
- mirror. oh goodness!
- pairs of simple elegant earrings
- jelly beans! hee. hee.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
My First February. New Life.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Hungry Me.
it's like 5 pm and i am definitely hungry. it's weird since i just can't stop my hunger today.
why is this?
i'm craving for so many foods..
hee hee.
i'm sharing my food cravings here.
please read if you're a food lover only. hee hee.
i dare not to touch junk foods, but i think this is the time for me to say, "it's worth to wait" hahaha...
it's been like maybe couple of months since i had junk fuuds. yaiii.

so, been hungry now? hee hee.

Read More..
Sunday, November 9, 2008
I Wanna Grow Old with You..
to a dear dear love...
I wanna make you smile,
whenever you're sad.
Carry you around when your arthritis is bad.
Oh, all i wanna do, is grow old with you.
I'll get your medicine when your tummy aches,
Build you a fire if the furnace breaks.
Oh, it could be so nice, growin' old with you..
I'll miss you, kiss you,
Give you my coat when you are cold,
need you, feed you.
I'll even let you hold the remote control..
So let me do the dishes in our kitchen sink,
put you to bed when you've had too much to drink.
Oh I could be the one who grows old with you.
I wanna grow old with you...
(a song by Adam Sandler, I Wanna Grow Old with You.)
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Stress at Work?? Read This.
well, if you're now in the middle of a hectic work in your office,
like this --->

and need some lay back,
sit there and take your mind to relax a little while.
meanwhile, maybe you can grab some fruit and tea for your snack..

hee hee.
hold on there, and watch these.
Google Office Europe (if i'm not wrong...)

oh... an Entertainment Room in an office??

Stress Capsule.
oh dear. it's sound and light - proof.
something funny if one of colleagues is sleeping in there,
then i pull out his feet! hahahahaha.


me : so speechlessssss.

It's the Canteen? or maybe it'll suitable for Food Court.
oops, and it's all-you-can-eat.

Sliding down to your canteen??
what a brilliant fun way!!!
if i work there, i might slide down 5-6 times before i really go for lunch.

this one is perfect.
there's professional masseuse for you when you need massages!!!!

sometimes i just dont let my self to afford these kinds of favor.
but here, you're free to do it, and you're paid.
sweet nibblets!!!

and even a private phone booth.

hey, maybe this is more like a resort??? ha ha ha.
i was like...salivating... aaaaaaaaa.
or maybe even nose bleeding. hahahaha.

and remember, you're being paid for these kind of fun at work.

well, we might never know how stressful actually their jobdesks are.
BUT STILL.......

great job Googs!!
wish all companies has these kinds of policies.

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by Justine Chung at 1:04 AM 3 speaks
Category : info and knowledge
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
What's in My Mind?
these days been busy to me.
trying to focus on things one by one.
well, i came back to this lovely pink blog of mine,
then i noticed that my page rank had shrunk to N/A?!!
what's with that???
anyone can tell me?
part of me feels that it's just one of my fault because i didn't do much updates lately.
but umm...
please dude?
it was kinda impossible for me to type things around.
and i was kinda lost my spirit of bloggin.
well, how r u guys lately?
please accept my apology, for have been busy and have not been visiting you guys.
i'm trying to dig back my spirit here,
starting with sharing what's in my thought these moments.
1. my upcoming big TUESDAY.
"dear Jesus, please help me get through this and that.. really passionate to this..but still, let Your will be done.."
2. deadlines?
*geezz. this drives me sleepy. woozy! zzzzzzzzzzzz."
3. what's with the company?
4. i'm waiting for the big news, please make this a great one, Dad. and also the mc. huaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. help me to overcome my nerves!!
to all, have a great day!!
Lucky by Jason Mraz feat Colbie Caillat
oh this song is sooo sweet!
just listen to it!!
Do you hear me,
Talking to you
Across the water across the deep blue ocean
Under the open sky, oh my, baby I'm trying
Boy I hear you in my dreams
I feel your whisper across the sea
I keep you with me in my heart
You make it easier when life gets hard
Lucky I'm in love with my best friend
Lucky to have been where I have been
Lucky to be coming home again
Ooohh ooooh oooh oooh ooh ooh ooh ooh
They don't know how long it takes
Waiting for a love like this
Every time we say goodbye
I wish we had one more kiss
I'll wait for you I promise you, I will
Lucky I'm in love with my best friend
Lucky to have been where I have been
Lucky to be coming home again
Lucky we're in love every way
Lucky to have stayed where we have stayed
Lucky to be coming home someday
And so I'm sailing through the sea
To an island where we'll meet
You'll hear the music fill the air
I'll put a flower in your hair
though the breezes through trees
Move so pretty you're all I see
As the world keeps spinning round
You hold me right here right now
Lucky I'm in love with my best friend
Lucky to have been where I have been
Lucky to be coming home again
Lucky we're in love every way
Lucky to have stayed where we have stayed
Lucky to be coming home someday
Ooohh ooooh oooh oooh ooh ooh ooh ooh
Ooooh ooooh oooh oooh ooh ooh ooh ooh

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by Justine Chung at 12:59 AM 0 speaks
Category : fun+entertainment, iShare
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Does Your Breast Healthy? (All Women Must Read)
as i told in my posts before,
my eldest sister passed away because of a disease which is all you know, BREAST CANCER.
it was metastasized and caused her a massive gastrointestinal bleeding.
so, i did a little research about basic knowledge of breast cancer.
acknowledge yourself with these informations.
1. What can cause breast cancer?
2. How to do a Breast Self-Exam (BSE)?
What Can Cause Breast Cancer?
"Cancer in general is a disease of aging, and breast cancer is probably caused by an error in gene replication—the older we get, the more error prone we get," says Ramona F. Swaby, MD, a medical oncologist specializing in breast cancer at Fox Chase Cancer Center in Philadelphia.
Indeed, a woman’s chance of getting breast cancer doesn’t rise to the terrifying one in eight until she’s reached 85 years of age.
If you’re a woman under 40, for instance, your risk is much lower: 1 in 233.
Risk factors you cannot change:
Gender: Simply being a woman is the main risk for breast cancer. While men also get the disease, it is about 100 times more common in women than in men.
Age: The chance of getting breast cancer goes up as a woman gets older. About 2 out of 3 women with invasive breast cancer are age 55 or older when the cancer is found.
Genetic risk factors: About 5% to 10% of breast cancers are thought to be linked to inherited changes (mutations) in certain genes. The most common gene changes are those of the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes. Women with these gene changes have up to an 80% chance of getting breast cancer during their lifetimes. Other gene changes may raise breast cancer risk as well.
Family history: Breast cancer risk is higher among women whose close blood relatives have this disease. The relatives can be from either the mother's or father's side of the family. Having a mother, sister, or daughter with breast cancer about doubles a woman's risk. (It's important to note that 70% to 80% of women who get breast cancer do not have a family history of this disease.)
Personal history of breast cancer: A woman with cancer in one breast has a greater chance of getting a new cancer in the other breast or in another part of the same breast. This is different from a return of the first cancer (which is called recurrence).
Race: White women are slightly more likely to get breast cancer than are African-American women. But African American women are more likely to die of this cancer. At least part of the reason seems to be because African-American women have faster growing tumors. Asian, Hispanic, and American Indian women have a lower risk of getting breast cancer.
Dense breast tissue: Dense breast tissue means there is more glandular tissue and less fatty tissue. Women with denser breast tissue have a higher risk of breast cancer. Dense breast tissue can also make it harder for doctors to spot problems on mammograms.
Menstrual periods: Women who began having periods early (before age 12) or who went through the change of life (menopause) after the age of 55 have a slightly increased risk of breast cancer. They have had more menstrual periods and as a result have been exposed to more of the hormones estrogen and progesterone.
Earlier breast radiation: Women who have had radiation treatment to the chest area (as treatment for another cancer) earlier in life have a greatly increased risk of breast cancer.
Treatment with DES: In the past, some pregnant women were given the drug DES (diethylstilbestrol) because it was thought to lower their chances of losing the baby (miscarriage). Recent studies have shown that these women (and their daughters who were exposed to DES while in the womb), have a slightly increased risk of getting breast cancer. For more information on DES see our document, DES Exposure: Questions and Answers.
Breast cancer risk and lifestyle choices:
Not having children or having them later in life: Women who have had not had children, or who had their first child after age 30, have a slightly higher risk of breast cancer. Being pregnant more than once and at an early age reduces breast cancer risk. Pregnancy reduces a woman's total number of lifetime menstrual cycles, which may be the reason for this effect.
Recent use of birth control pills: Studies have found that women who are using birth control pills have a slightly greater risk of breast cancer than women who have never used them. Women who stopped using the pill more than 10 years ago do not seem to have any increased risk. It's a good idea to talk to your doctor about the risks and benefits of birth control pills.
Postmenopausal hormone therapy (PHT): Postmenopausal hormone therapy (also known as hormone replacement therapy or HRT), has been used for many years to help relieve symptoms of menopause and to help prevent thinning of the bones (osteoporosis). There are 2 main types of PHT. For women who still have a womb (uterus), doctors generally prescribe estrogen and progesterone (known as combined PHT). Estrogen alone can increase the risk of cancer of the uterus, so progesterone is added to help prevent this. For women who no longer have a uterus (those who've had a hysterectomy), estrogen alone can be prescribed. This is commonly known as estrogen replacement therapy (ERT).
Combined PHT: It has become clear that long-term use (several years or more) of combined PHT increases the risk of breast cancer and may increase the chances of dying of breast cancer. The breast cancer may also be found at a more advanced stage, perhaps because PHT seems to reduce the effectiveness of mammograms. Five years after stopping PHT, the breast cancer risk seems to drop back to normal.
ERT: The use of estrogen alone does not seem to increase the risk of developing breast cancer much, if at all. But when used long-term (for more than 10 years), some studies have found that ERT increases the risk of ovarian and breast cancer.
At this time, there are few strong reasons to use PHT, other than for short-term relief of menopausal symptoms. Because there are other factors to think about, you should talk with your doctor about the pros and cons of using PHT. If a woman and her doctor decide to try PHT for symptoms of menopause, it is usually best to use it at the lowest dose that works for her and for as short a time as possible.
Not breast-feeding: Some studies have shown that breast-feeding slightly lowers breast cancer risk, especially if the breast-feeding lasts 1½ to 2 years. This could be because breast-feeding lowers a woman's total number of menstrual periods, as does pregnancy
Alcohol: Use of alcohol is clearly linked to an increased risk of getting breast cancer. Women who have one drink a day have a very small increased risk. Those who have 2 to 5 drinks daily have about 1½ times the risk of women who drink no alcohol. The American Cancer Society suggests limiting the amount you drink to one drink a day.
Being overweight or obese: Being overweight or obese is linked to a higher risk of breast cancer, especially for women after change of life and if the weight gain took place during adulthood. Also, the risk seems to be higher if the extra fat is in the waist area. But the link between weight and breast cancer risk is complex, and studies of fat in the diet as it relates to breast cancer risk have often given conflicting results. The American Cancer Society recommends you maintain a healthy weight throughout your life and avoid gaining too much weight.
Lack of exercise: Studies show that exercise reduces breast cancer risk. The only question is how much exercise is needed. One study found that as little as 1 hour and 15 minutes to 2½ hours of brisk walking per week reduced the risk by 18%. Walking 10 hours a week reduced the risk a little more. The American Cancer Society suggests that you exercise for 45 to 60 minutes 5 or more days a week.
Uncertain risk factors:
High fat diets: Studies of fat in the diet have not clearly shown that this is a breast cancer risk factor. Most studies found that breast cancer is less common in countries where the typical diet is low in fat. On the other hand, many studies of women in the United States have not found breast cancer risk to be linked to how much fat they ate. Researchers are still not sure how to explain this difference. More research is needed to better understand the effect of the types of fat eaten and body weight on breast cancer risk.
The American Cancer Society recommends eating a healthy diet that includes 5 or more servings of vegetables and fruits each day, choosing whole grains over processed (refined) grains, and limiting the amount of processed and red meats.
Antiperspirants and bras: Internet e-mail rumors have suggested that underarm antiperspirants can cause breast cancer. There is very little evidence to support this idea. Also, there is no evidence to support the idea that under wire bras cause breast cancer.
Abortions: Several studies show that induced abortions do not increase the risk of breast cancer. Also, there is no evidence to show a direct link between miscarriages and breast cancer. For more detailed information, see our document, Can Having an Abortion Cause or Contribute to Breast Cancer?
Breast implants: Silicone breast implants can cause scar tissue to form in the breast. But several studies have found that this does not increase breast cancer risk. If you have breast implants, you might need special x-ray pictures during mammograms.
Pollution: A lot of research is being done to learn how the environment might affect breast cancer risk. At this time, research does not show a clear link between breast cancer risk and environmental pollutants such as pesticides and PCBs.
Tobacco Smoke: Most studies have found no link between active cigarette smoking and breast cancer. An issue that continues to be a focus of research is whether secondhand smoke (smoke from another person's cigarette) may increase the risk of breast cancer. But the evidence about secondhand smoke and breast cancer risk in human studies is not clear. In any case, a possible link to breast cancer is yet another reason to avoid being around secondhand smoke.
Night Work: A few studies have suggested that women who work at night (nurses on the night shift, for example) have a higher risk of breast cancer. This is a fairly recent finding, and more studies are being done to look at this issue.
How to do a Breast Self-Exam (BSE)?
It takes practice to perform a thorough breast self-examination. Ask your health professional for tips that can help you perform a breast self-examination correctly.
The best time to examine your breasts is usually one week after your menstrual period begins, when your breast tissue is least likely to be swollen or tender. If your menstrual cycle is irregular, or if you have stopped menstruating due to menopause or the removal of your uterus (hysterectomy), do your examination on a day of the month that's easy to remember. Women who are pregnant or breast-feeding can continue to examine their breasts every month. Breast-feeding mothers can examine their breasts after a feeding or after using a breast pump so that the breasts have as little milk as possible, making the examination easier and more comfortable.
To do a breast self-examination, remove all your clothes above the waist and lie down. The examination is done while lying down so your breast tissue spreads evenly over your chest wall and is as thin as possible, making it much easier to feel all your breast tissue.
Use the pads of the three middle fingers of your left hand—not your fingertips—to check your right breast. Move your fingers slowly in small coin-sized circles.
Use three different levels of pressure to feel of all your breast tissue. Light pressure is needed to feel the tissue close to the skin surface. Medium pressure is used to feel a little deeper, and firm pressure is used to feel your tissue close to your breastbone and ribs. A firm ridge in the lower curve of each breast is normal. Use each pressure level to feel your breast tissue before moving on to the next spot.
Check your entire breast using a lengthwise strip pattern. Feel all of the tissue from the collarbone to the bra line and from the armpit to the breastbone. Start in the armpit and work down to the bottom of the bra line. Move one finger-width toward the middle and work up to the collarbone. Repeat until you have covered the entire breast. Repeat this procedure for your left breast. See an illustration of BSE using a lengthwise strip pattern. The American Cancer Society prefers this method of breast self-examination because it is the best method for finding breast lumps.
all articles taken from :
by Justine Chung at 10:31 PM 1 speaks
Category : info and knowledge