oh this is mi first tagging time!! LoL.
anw, thanks to Janeth Vicy for giving me this tag.
**** Start Copy Here *****
1. Take the Readability Test for your blog(s) here.
2. Paste the result on your site.
3. Copy and paste this tag on your blog (make sure to include the links).
4. Add your link to this tag.
5. Tag as many friends / readers / victims as you want!
Movie Reviews , Read My Mind, Joan Joyce, Life in Korea, Chronicles, Apt1014, Elliot, Marvz18, Jean's Live it Up, Hachi, Cheerful's Journey, Survivor Mom, Janeth Vicy's Life Journey, A Jazz of Praise, [you!]
i'm tagging :
inspirasi blog
a travel photo blog
a woman after God's own heart
laurencia's diary
cireng isi keju
paint your life
symphony of JC
davlin's room
fab & furious
bridge around the corner
simple life
**** Start Copy Here *****
1. Take the Readability Test for your blog(s) here.
2. Paste the result on your site.
3. Copy and paste this tag on your blog (make sure to include the links).
4. Add your link to this tag.
5. Tag as many friends / readers / victims as you want!
Movie Reviews , Read My Mind, Joan Joyce, Life in Korea, Chronicles, Apt1014, Elliot, Marvz18, Jean's Live it Up, Hachi, Cheerful's Journey, Survivor Mom, Janeth Vicy's Life Journey, A Jazz of Praise, [you!]
i'm tagging :
inspirasi blog
a travel photo blog
a woman after God's own heart
laurencia's diary
cireng isi keju
paint your life
symphony of JC
davlin's room
fab & furious
bridge around the corner
simple life
i'm doing good. thank you!
thanks for the visit!
Mati aku sis dikasih tag inggris..perintahnya apa ya? Aduh inggrisku parah gini gimana aku kerjain tag nya? Heuheuheu
Aloooowww...I've done the test, you can look it here:
udah yaaaa
shout mu ga bs muncul dit4ku huhuhu
hi friend! thank you for tagging us, however, caffeinated muse already tagged us with this one. but thank you soo much for remembering! :D have a great week ahead! xoxo
Utine, your welcome, ga akan pernah nolak kalo di kasih tag or disuruh ikutan qiuz hahahahaa....walopun udah pernah tapi dulu kan bukan dalam bentuk tag (^_-) Jadinya ini hal baru yg seru juga, hehehe... Makasih ya udah di tagged! Love it!
now then I realise you are a graphic designer in indonesia! I am in account servicing singapore!
ok ok... akan dikerjakan segera... tp ntar dikerjainnya di blog joandavlin.blogspot.com yak hehehe... thx
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