Monday, June 30, 2008

Kungfu Panda!

oh yes i know.. maybe i'm a little bit outdated..
well, it's the thing that my guy was out of town, and what a pity that my friends was not available at all to hang out wt me to the movie.
i insisted them about 3 weeks ago to see this movie, but none of them responded. geez. quite disappointing tho.
but it's olite, now my guy's oledy home and yesterday we went to our fave hang out spot (the Djakarta Theatre) and saw this cute movie. oh i luv u hunny. xixixii.
it was totally hilarious!! huahahaha. rated : 5!!
i already saw a lot of reviews about this fat panda movie. maybe now i'm just going to share more pictures. oh Po was hilarious. i love him!
he's sooooo fat. his tummy. it's even sounded like 'fat' when he do this kungfu styles. ha ha ha.
we couldn't stop laughing!
well, what we learned from this movie is, TRUSTs.
a simple faith can make big change! see what i mean?
enjoy his fatness. hahahahaha. i'm so happy to see Po. he's sooooo fat and full of spirit!

so cute isn't he? xixixixixi...

Lou said...

Hi, thanks for the visit. Can we exchange links? I have 2.


Toni Blog said...

ketagihan kungfu panda juga dia hehehe

ßrigida Ayson © Copyright said...

Hey there... you have no c-box? I wrote a new blog entry. Continuation of my Diamond Head exploration.

Hope you'll enjoy reading it, and don't forget to leave ur footprints under comment... at the end of the post. At least I would know that you read it =)

Lou said...

Hi done adding your blog to and

Hope you can link them both here.


Anonymous said...

wah pelem niy lucu banged. banyak pelajaran yg kita petik dari pelem ini. dimana mimpi bukan hanya sekedar mimpi jika kita mau bekerja keras dan berusaha untuk menggapainya.

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